We are your photographers

We’re Angela & Drew,
aka The Willinghams
Oh man, writing about yourself is hard. It always feels like you might be saying weird stuff that only your friends would/should know. Well I guess we’ll just skip to the weird stuff and tell you what we are like. If you want to know more about us you can always ring us up on the phone or email us with all the questions about us that are keeping you up at night.
A little about Angela
One of my favorite things to do while away from editing photos to disconnect from screens is hopping on my two wheeled friend Abigail (pictured above).
I love adventuring, experiencing new cultures and seeing older towns and buildings that make me feel like I’ve stepped out of a time machine.
All Things cats
Unhealthy love for all things cats. I love my cats, everyone else’s cats, cat cafe’s, cat videos. I’m sorry I know that is very polarizing.
When I just want to relax I like to do some light hearted gaming, mostly in my Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley worlds. I don’t know how doing chores in these games helps me unwind from a busy day of doing chores.
A bit about Drew
Who’s on the road with Angela while she travels, you wonder? Me, of course. There’s something about standing in spots where the world seems to stretch on forever, making you feel like a mere speck in the vastness, it’s exhilarating. Yet, there’s another side. Call me nerdy, but there’s nothing quite like wandering through damp fields under a drizzly sky, with a castle looming on the horizon. It’s easy to get lost in fantasies about dragons and wizards hiding within the ancient walls. This is how we spend our time during road trips around the UK.
Table top Role playing games
It was over a decade ago that I met one of my best friends, who was a groomsman at a wedding I was photographing. In just a little bit of time, he opened my eyes to the enthralling realms of Dungeons and Dragons, Warhammer, Cyberpunk, and a few other role-playing games. Now, we rally a crew weekly to dive into what’s become one of my favorite pastimes.
I like all kinds of vehicles
I grew up loving all kinds of muscle cars. I was still too young to drive when Fast and the Furious came out but was instantly hooked on the modified cars. I’ve rewatch Top Gear / Grand Tour so, so many times while editing photos. And of course I love working on Angela and my motorcycles to make our two wheeled adventures that much more satisfying.
Also Gaming
I mean, let’s not be shocked that Angela and I share so many of the same hobbies. I do love gaming with my friends and I’m an equal opportunity gamer. I go from playing faced paced battle games with my friends to settling in and helping Angela do chores on her Stardew farm. I just like all kinds of fun.